A New Chapter – The Silver Dragon is born!


Like all of you, these past two years have been very challenging. It was a time of uncertainty and fear. The “lost” two years have made us not only worry about our own health, but that of our family and friends as well. It caused us to make difficult decisions sometimes between one type of health (physical) and another (mental). The strain and fear were all around us. It was a long, difficult time that none of us have seen in our recent memory or lifetime.

It was a time that caused my family and I to reflect on what’s important. For me, it was a time when I was able to put down the burden of being on the road for long periods of time and focus on the newfound time I had at home. I was able to help support my family through this difficult time and think about the future in a way I hadn’t been able to in the past.

As a result of this time, the family and I decided it was time for me to retire from my long career of 36 years. I am truly grateful of my time with an amazing company. I was able to meet many amazing people from across the globe. It provided educational and experiential learning opportunities for which I am truly thankful. More importantly, it helped me support my wonderful family through the years.

However, another thing happened during this time of reflection and that is that I rediscovered my joy of gaming. Although we had to game remotely, gaming helped us stay connected through this difficult time. I rediscovered my love for Dungeons & Dragons, miniature painting, Magic the Gathering, many different board games (Battle Wizards in a Tavern setting is going to be legit!).

With this refreshed passion about gaming, the family and I decided to share our love of gaming with you. We missed the many wonderful communities and friendships we’ve made over the years.

Thus, it’s time for a new chapter. My beautiful wife, son, and several other members of the family (and even what I consider our extended family) will be helping. It’s time to pursue our passion project. We see a need for a safe, inclusive place for people of all walks of life to come to and enjoy with their friends.

As a result, we decided to start our first family business, Silver Dragon Games.

As I learned in my many travels, “it takes a balanced and diverse party of adventurers to have a successful adventure.” Silver Dragon Games is committed to creating a safe and fun gaming environment for everyone. Our store will be a safe place for EVERYONE, but specifically persons of color, LGBTQ, women, and children. Customers who feel unsafe or uncomfortable in our store should speak with a member of our team.

A new Dragon has arrived in the Valley of the Sun. I hope you will join us on your next big adventure!

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02.22.25 | 7:00 pm

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